Hello! My username is

aka: SHK_SB_ | SHK_BRD

My info:

  • 3D Modeler/Animator and Programmer

  • Minor

  • Male, either he/they pronouns are fine

  • My name is pronounced by saying all 3 letters individually.

  • Please do not interact with my socials on NSFW accounts.

  • My socials (aside from Discord) are generally dedicated to post art, and that art may contain violent content.

  • I will not interact with suggestive-centered accounts. The definition of what "suggestive-centered" is, is at my discretion. Use common sense if you want to know it yourself.


Discord: shk_sb
Twitter: @SHK_SB_
Newgrounds: SHKBRD
Youtube: SHK
Github: SHKBRD

Art Rules

If you would like to make art involving me or my work, please follow by this guideline.

  • Do not involve me or any of my work (Me, My characters, Fanart I produce) in suggestive or sexual works/spaces. This includes producing suggestive/sexual art of any of my own works.

Here are some much softer rules, mostly for my universe of characters:

  • All character deaths (including my own) are not canon.

  • Unless otherwise stated, all of my primary characters are centered around a specific color. This includes all shades of that color, and all colors between white, gray and black for variance. Try not to stray away from that primary color for that character.

  • Avoid using Yellow, Brown, White, or Black as primary colors for any characters within my OC universe.
